Star Wars Fans Invited to “Find the Force” As Unprecedented Augmented Reality Event Sweeps the Globe for Force Friday II GLENDALE, Calif. (August … [Read more...]
Search Results for: travel
8 Hot Destinations to Visit in 2017
From right here in the good old USA to traveling overseas, there are so many great destinations to plan a trip to this year that can’t be missed. Below are … [Read more...]
A Tropical Paradise of Summer PD!
I know. You read the title of this post and thought I was going to talk about attending sessions at the beach. Ha. Well, that is not exactly what I’m writing … [Read more...]
Meet Crystal
FAMILY - EDUCATION - TRAVEL INFLUENCER - BRAND AMBASSADOR Meet Crystal Radke from Waco, TX. She us an educator and best selling author. I'm a native Texan … [Read more...]
Prepping For February!
Y'all! What in the world is going on with January? I feel like it was just 2015 yesterday. Ha! No really, this year just started and it's already … [Read more...]
Kicking & Screaming
Oh good grief! Before going to the beach my computer was functioning so nicely but now it's become a piece of junk (can you sense my anger/frustration). … [Read more...]
100 Days and Still Alive!
I did it, I mean the kids did it! Ha! They, we, survived the first 100 days of school. I wasn't sure if I was going to make it this year. But, we … [Read more...]
My Selfish Summer
That title may be a tad dramatic but maybe not. Disclaimer: I'm blogging from my phone so who knows what this will look like. :)So, I have only blogged five … [Read more...]
Are you Ready???
Are you ready for Back to School? Yeah, me neither. The thought of it actually makes me want to put a pencil through my eye. Okay, that is dramatic. I love my … [Read more...]
My Summer Bucket List!
Schools out for Summer!! Well, not really. I still have SEVEN and a HALF more days to go. Oh, and guess what? It is going to rain allll this week … [Read more...]
Thirteen in 2013!!
Greetings friends! I am excited to link up with my sweet friend Hadar from Miss Kindergarten for her 13 in '13 linky party. Brace yourself, this one is a … [Read more...]
I can’t think of a title! Read me? Haha!
Hey friends! Yay for surviving another week. Dun. Dun. Dunn. Another week bites the dust. Haha! Two more weeks until Thanksgiving Break. I can do this. I mean, … [Read more...]