Oh good grief! Before going to the beach my computer was functioning so nicely but now it’s become a piece of junk (can you sense my anger/frustration). I can’t get it to do anything and I restarted it at least 10 times today. While I was gone my sweet husband got on it to do something and swears that it wasn’t working then. Ugh! I really don’t want to take it to the computer doctor. So now I’m on my iPad. This makes me want to throw an adult size tantrum and say a few bad words. Who has wine? I need wine stat!
Anyway, I’m currently in the process of packing my son for camp for two weeks and gathering things for me to pack for Vegas next week. Have I ever mentioned how much I love to pack? It’s actually one of my favorite parts of traveling. That probably makes me a big weirdo Huh?
Though I love to present, I’m kinda excited that I’m not presenting at I teach K this year so I can just go and have fun with my friends. The Teacher/Blogger meet up Wednesday night kind of makes me want to break out the hives with almost a thousand people attending…and I’m a people person. So really the most important question in all this is what the heck am I supposed to wear? And let’s be honest with 1000 other people, probably mostly women in the room, someone is going to have the same dress on as me. Ha!
If you’ll be at the conference next week in Vegas, make sure you stop by the ESGI booth on Thursday and say hi to me. I puffy heart love ESGI and I’m totally excited to spend the day with them!
When I return from Vegas I’ll be getting ready for the Frog Strret Press Splash Conference. I am SO excited to host the second annual pajama party! We had a blast last year and this year is going to be even better! I hope you plan on coming. It seriously is THE most fun eva.
Okay, I’m off to download more apps on the iPad and trying figure out how to make this work until my computer gets fixed. And find wine. And breath into a paper bag. Sigh.
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