I just started a new center schedule this past week. I am doing a ten day rotation with 20 centers…GASP, right?! Actually, I LOVE it. I am basically preparing for two weeks at a time but this way I keep my groups small (2 or 3 students). I still make sure they go to an art, library or buddy reading, and science activity each and divide the rest among reading and writing activities pretty evenly. I will add pictures tomorrow of how my room looks now, my center chart, and where I have stuff. It’s pretty organized and spaced out which is great. I started guided reading this week so it was definitely a good decision! Here are a few centers. I will add more in a few days. Let me know your thoughts!
ABC center…students match the picture to the beginning sound
This is one of our science activities. I put science in both ELA and Math centers. I think this is an important part of learning we often overlook. Here they are just sorting a bucket full of items into magnetic/nonmagnetic.
Magnetic Center: Students find the letters or words to match the trains.
For art, they made a leaf person. Then, I taped them to the top of a bulletin board so we could enjoy them this month.
Write the room Center: You can purchase my packet here for $3. Students get their paper from the pocket and a clipboard. Then, they find words around the room that begin with the letters on the page.
Poetry Center: Students get their poetry folder and sit in front of my Poetry Chart. They have a task they do for each poem. This time they will circle the number words and underline the color words. I usually don’t have pictures already on my poetry pages because I like them to draw their own, but decided to use this picture instead.
Each week I have FIne Motor center. In this center, students found their name and a sheet of small round stickers in the basket. I printed the names on white cardstock. They take the stickers off and put them on the letters of the name. They do really well at this. (They say Rita and Paul, by the way.) I tell them as a group that they can’t up them on themselves or one another and no one has as of yet. J
I will add a few more centers later. I didn’t want to freak anyone out by adding 20 centers at one time. LOL! Have a great day!
Looks great! Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas!
Thanks! 🙂
What are your 20 literacy centers?