I organize all of my centers in colored tubs or in buckets on my back counter or on a shelf (back right corner) that I got from the fabu IKEA. All baskets and tubs have a picture on it that corresponds with the center pocket chart. On the pocket chart, I also place colored dots on the pictures to let students know what table to go to. I had to help them the first two days we started this new system, but now they find it all on their own. Since there are 20 centers, each group only goes to their centers each day so there isn’t a rush to finish. After 15 minutes, I ring the bell and if they are done with their first center, they clean up, put it away neatly (and I am kinda nuts about that too) and then go to their chart to see what their next center is. This way it is more independent so I don’t have to be interrupted during guided reading. Then they stay at their second center until Lit. Center’s time is up. I always put a back up activity at their last center (buddy books, a small puzzle, etc.) so if they finish early, they are not sitting board. I am really happy with this system. I am the only one on my team to do this nuts-o schedule, but it works for me and that’s okay. We all do a different center schedule, but include many of the same ideas. I think it is important to figure out what works for you and your students. You know what they need and what they are capable of. J
Center Organization!
First, a funny! LOL!
Here is the right side of my back counter. Next to my counter is my white IKEA shelf, which is where I have center tubs. Next to that is my math shelf (love!) for all of my manipulatives. (Don’t judge my “homemade” curtains below my sink”. LOL, gotta love no sew glue
Here you can see all of my colored tubs better. I try and coordinate the colors (ex. red basket goes to red table, etc.). I think it helps. J
Thanks for taking a peek. I will post more room pics and center pics later on next week. Have a fantabulous day!
Thank you so much for sharing! I am a newer teacher and am still trying to figure out the best way to do centers. I have a few questions if you don't mind. Do you group your students by ability? If so, what do you do to differintiate? For example, those that already know their lettters and don't need to work on letter identification in a center. Do you pull groups to work with during this time and if so, is this one of their centers or do you pull more than one group? Do you meet with each group or with students more than once a week? Ok, on more question…Do you also do math centers? If so, do you use the same groups and have 20 of these centers as well? Sorry for all the questions! I really appreciate all you do!
OH my goodness – could you BE anymore organized?!? I'm jealous beyond belief. Organization makes me happy…too bad,I'm not as organized as YOU!!!!
Just found your blog from Kinder Kraziness…Love it!!!
Okay Natalie…here you go!! 🙂
Do you group your students by ability?
For literacy centers, I have 2 or 3 students in each group. I have a strong student in each group. There are students that start kindergarten knowing all of their letters and sounds, and then there are kids who know nothing. I find by mixing the groups the student that knows more, is a leader in the group. They find joy in helping and guiding their peers. The level of difficulty varies in each center but no one is bored. I always have a back up activity (puzzle, books, etc.) in every paper based center for those who finish early. There is no time for boredom.
Do you pull groups to work with during this time and if so, is this one of their centers or do you pull more than one group?
I meet with guided reading groups every day. My guided reading groups are grouped by ability and have 3 or 4 students in them. I meet with all groups every other day and the lowest three groups every day. We read a book and have a mini lesson. Each group gets around 10 minutes.
Do you also do math centers?
On no! LOL. That would take so long. My math center time is only about 30 minutes versus literacy centers, which is about 45 min. I have six groups of 3 or 4 students. They are mixed ability groups. I will do a post soon about math centers. During math centers, I pull about 4 small groups for interventions. They come from all center groups. Intervention groups take about 5 minutes each every day so they still have time to do their center work.
Thanks for all of your great questions! I hope this helps in some way. Let me know if I can answer anything else.
Holly, you are hilarious! I am so not organized…well on the inside. LOL! Don’t you dare open any of those green drawers or cabinets. HAHA! This summer, I took everything out of all of my drawers and cabinets to get organized. I think it looked good for about a week. I really need to downsize but it’s so hard to get rid of anything! I do like anything the children touch to be really organized or we all end up chasing our tails every day. I am going to head over to your blog now. 🙂
The sweet baby chick "joke" I saw as soon as I got on this site offended me beyond words. Not cute. Not funny.