Greetings friends! I created this 5 Star Writing page for my students as a self accountability piece. Each morning after completing our morning work, my students write a story on the back of their paper. I’ve shared a few examples below. We usually take one minute to vote on the topic (camping, fishing, storms, etc. ) and I write six vocabulary words on the board to help them with spelling. The remainder of their writing must be word wall words or words they sound out on their own. Before turning in their work, I have them check their mini chart to make sure they have completed all stars of their writing. This has provided a great visual for this quick writing activity. During Writer’s Workshop, students get to choose what they write about. Morning work is teacher directed. They use the chart for both times. I have a larger poster on the front board and keep the smaller charts on our supply bench so students can access them at any time. I hope you love this as much as I do! Click the pictures to take you to the free download. 🙂
Happy Sunday! Love and virtual HUGS!
Danielle Retkowski says
Thanks for sharing. Love it!
Jessica McDurmon says
Thank you!!
Tchr888 says
I love the authenticity and accuracy of your writing samples!!! They are so true to Kindergarten! Thank you!
Sara says
This is so awesome! I have been wanting to make something like this for my students as a check list for writing. They have a hard time remembering the capital at the beginning and the period at the end. It is driving me bonkers! I can't wait to make the big one a poster and hang it on the board right next to the date to help them remember!
I also love your writing idea on the back of their morning work! I wish I could afford your morning work packets!