April showers bring May. The. End. Ha.
Seriously, it blows my mind that we have less than 40 days of school left. I think of how fast this year has flown by and then I look in the mirror and see the ghosts (also known as GRAY HAIRS) of school days past and am at peace with it. Bwhahaha.
I do love this time of year though. It seems that those sweet light bulbs that I have been tirelessly trying to turn on finally do and everyone really soars academically. It’s so much fun to see everyone reading, writing, using mathematical concepts correctly. We almost have first graders on our hands.
Today my class cut out flowers to make our hall display. I think I will go with…”We Have Bloomed A Kinder-Garden!” Here is our door from last year. I use their faces as the center of the flower.
We plan to plant grass heads later this week. I feel like this time of year I can breath easier. My kids are rocking and rolling academically, which makes me feel less guilty about throwing in more fun. Isn’t that crazy? We should never feel guilty for that but unfortunately there is serious pressure for high performance and objective mastery that we have to be super creative to find balance.
Tomorrow we will finally start our April Centers. My kids LOVE when we start new centers. Here is what you will find in our Literacy Centers tubs:
Here is what you will find in our Math Centers tubs:
These centers are created with a SPRING theme so you could use them into May too. You can learn more about these centers by clicking any picture above.
There will be lots of learning fun going on. I have to keep them engaged or I won’t make it y’all. It’s like herding cats but while teaching them to read or addition at the same time. Ha!
Today we had a few extra minutes after cutting out our flowers and the kids asked if they could do free art with the scrap paper. When I said YES, you would have thought I had thrown pixie sticks at them. They were all but dumpster diving into our trash cans and recycling bin for paper scraps to make the craziest things you’ve ever seen. Ha! I’m not going to lie. I whispered a “Dear Lord baby Jesus!” under my breath watching it all go down. But hey, they created a few recycled treasures that I am sure their parents will hang on their fridge tonight. Oh bless. That should cover something under Earth Day right? Ha!
Have a great week!! I’m praying that if you are holding on by a thread, that your thread is strong and you find joy in every day! If anything, give them free art!
Love & Virtual Hugs,
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