This is my lesson from MONDAY. Just to clarify, we have WWS time daily but I only model write every other day because of time. Right now, I am starting lessons on Monday and we continue to work on that lesson all week. I am using a small chart tablet but soon I will use a large chart tablet for Writer’s Workshop. Clear as mud, right?!
Anywho, to start off, I drew a black line down the chart 1/3 over from the left. I told my students that I would draw this line so I could remind us of the rules but they will only write similar to my example on the right side. Then, I wrote out rules 1-3 just like I had done in the last lesson. Next, I told them about rule 4, write a sentence. We will take one of our labels and a few word wall words to create one sentence. Before this, we went over our word wall flash cards that we have learned so far (I, a, can, see, the, me, like) so that we could use them in our sentence.
Then, I started with step one and went brainstorming. I tell the kids to close their eyes and think of a story they could write about and I do the same thing. Then I begin to draw. They just watch me to see if they can figure out what I am writing about. J I draw my picture and we dicuss it. Then, I color it. I check numbers one and two off the list. J
Next, we went to labeling. This has been a great way to teach phonemes that I wouldn’t teach yet. For example, this is the second time we have labeled a word with “oo” in it. When I asked my students to help me punch out pool and how to spell it, they remembered the two letters that made the “oo” sound. Very cool. Then, we checked off labeling, number 4.
The last thing we did was write our sentence. We took our word wall flash cards and choose what words we wanted to use for our sentence (I, can, see, a) and picked a label to add to the sentence. They we tried to find them on the word wall. I try to make reference to it as often as I can. Then, I wrote the sentence “I can see a pool.” I remind them that all sentences start with a capital and end with punctuation. Last, I underlined the word wall words and circled the labeled word just like we did on the picture.
We went over the four rules AGAIN, reminding them of the five color rule and they went back to their seats to begin. It didn’t take me long to realize that they were NOT ready for this lesson! They need to spend more time on drawing and labeling. They aren’t ready for sentence structure. That’s okay though. We spent the rest of the week working on numbers 1-3 and will try lesson 4 again next week. Sometimes, you will plan a lesson and it won’t work. Even if it looks pretty on paper! J The important thing is to follow the child and they will get where they need to be eventually…and I am ok with that. Have a great day friends. It’s FRIDAY! Love and virtual hugs!!
Hi, Crystal,
I have a question about your draw/color step. Do you teach the kids to do their drawing with black outlining first and then to color it in? Or is that just how you do yours? Thanks!
They draw with their pencil and then color it with crayons. 🙂
<>< Crystal
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