Meet Mary from Sharing Kindergarten!
My brain got a hold of a fun way to teach/review/practice tracking text while playing with my daughter.
My brain got a hold of a fun way to teach/review/practice tracking text while playing with my daughter.
My daughter is 3 and doesn’t care at all to track text. I mean… why would she? I point and read, showing her how to. Sometimes she copies me and sometimes she tries to do it herself. {I never stress out about it or make her.} This reminds me of teaching students in the beginning of the school year to track text. It is hard! It is MORE than hard… sometimes with some children… I just don’t get why they can’t do it after we model, model, model. {Please tell me others feel the same way!?!}
As my daughter was playing with her princess flashlight in the dark bathroom, I got an idea. I could use THIS to teach tracking text. We did with a regular flashlight and it did okay… she really liked finding things in the pictures more than tracking text. Then I cover the end of the flashlight with tin foil and just one little hole.
We went back into the bathroom to read in the dark and she LOVED it. The bottom picture doesn’t do the flashlight tracking justice, so please try this at home and school.
This is an idea I am going to use in my classroom FOR SURE to help those children who struggle to track text. I think I will also use it when I teach my favorite unit ever… Lights and Shadows.
{I tried to take a video but because it was so dark, it didn’t show up well at all.}
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What tracking text secret do you use to help those who struggle with this skill?
I just love this flashlight tracker & can't wait to make it for my students next year!! Thanks for sharing Mary! 🙂
Learning Is Something to Treasure
This year I put a small flashlight in my pocketchart center & the students read the chart with the small light. It worked great & improved their tracking skills! I just love the flashlight idea!
Jen's Kinder Kids
We use the monster fingers that you can buy during Halloween time. It really keeps them engaged!
Love this!! Great post, thanks for sharing.
Brilliant I tell you! What kiddo wouldn't love to do this? What am I talking about . . . I WOULD LOVE TO DO THIS! Thanks so much for sharing.
Kelley Dolling
Teacher Idea Factory
I just started doing something like this in my class this year! I used the small "finger lights", though. They come in packs of 5 (and different colors) at the dollar store and have a small stretchy band so the light just goes on the tip of your finger. I also found some cute drink stirrers that work well for tracking text 🙂
I love this idea and pinned it. I also just became a follower (not sure how that happened, I have been reading your blog for months!) I also wanted to tell you that I love your classroom decor packs on TpT and I am having a hard time choosing my next theme!! If you have a second, come see me over at my new blog!
Kickin' it in Kinder
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