Greetings friends! Crystal here. I am knee deep
in sheep getting ready for SDE’s Texas Kindergarten Conference this week and
well, I just can’t stand not having anything to share with you. I asked my favorite blogging buddy to
help a sistah out and Tammy came to my rescue. I hope you love her post as much
as I do. Make sure you stop by her cutie patootie blog and check out her makeover. Adorbs. If
you are in TEXAS, I hope to see ya in a few days!! Love and virtual hugs,
in sheep getting ready for SDE’s Texas Kindergarten Conference this week and
well, I just can’t stand not having anything to share with you. I asked my favorite blogging buddy to
help a sistah out and Tammy came to my rescue. I hope you love her post as much
as I do. Make sure you stop by her cutie patootie blog and check out her makeover. Adorbs. If
you are in TEXAS, I hope to see ya in a few days!! Love and virtual hugs,
Hello Kreative in Kinder friends! I
am Tammy and I blog over at Live Love Laugh Everyday In Kindergarten. I am
guest posting for my BBF (best bloggin friend) Crystal. Crystal and I met a
couple of years ago. We have never actually met in person, but we chat online
and on the phone (even though I hate talking on the phone, she still makes
me lol) often. We will meet in Vegas for the first time this summer at I Teach K.
She is presenting!! I am so excited for her!
I wasn’t sure what I was going to
blog about. I asked myself…what do I want to know most from other teachers?!
Well, I want to know how they manage doing the “have to’s” and
squeeze in the “can do’s” I am so fortunate to work with some pretty
amazing teachers…in my school, in my district, and through the blogging
community. I see so many different things and I think…I wanna do that! Do I
try to do too much sometimes. Maybe?! Here are my thoughts…you will never
know that something great if you don’t try new things!!
blog about. I asked myself…what do I want to know most from other teachers?!
Well, I want to know how they manage doing the “have to’s” and
squeeze in the “can do’s” I am so fortunate to work with some pretty
amazing teachers…in my school, in my district, and through the blogging
community. I see so many different things and I think…I wanna do that! Do I
try to do too much sometimes. Maybe?! Here are my thoughts…you will never
know that something great if you don’t try new things!!
This year, I wanted to make sure I
provided my students with books that were on their level to take home and read.
I wanted parents to have a resource to be able to use with their child. I found
it!! One of the very first blogs that I followed was What The Teacher Wants. I
think that they are amazing!
provided my students with books that were on their level to take home and read.
I wanted parents to have a resource to be able to use with their child. I found
it!! One of the very first blogs that I followed was What The Teacher Wants. I
think that they are amazing!
I found her Take Home Reading Bags! I thought why
not give them a try. One of my favorite purchases on TpT! You can buy your own
not give them a try. One of my favorite purchases on TpT! You can buy your own
I will be honest…my kids were so
excited about taking books home. They were bringing them back EVERYDAY. Whew! I
could hardly keep up! I loved it. They loved it. Parents loved it. However, I
was ready to pull my hair out trying to manage this. So, I came up with a
system. π
excited about taking books home. They were bringing them back EVERYDAY. Whew! I
could hardly keep up! I loved it. They loved it. Parents loved it. However, I
was ready to pull my hair out trying to manage this. So, I came up with a
system. π
First, I split my kids into 4 groups.
It has nothing to do at all with their reading group, their ability…NOTHING.
I merely went through my roster in number order. My student numbers 1-4, were each the first of one
group. I continued through my roster until everyone was in a group. I then gave
each group a cute little DJ Inkers cutout! I assigned each group a day. I used
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
It has nothing to do at all with their reading group, their ability…NOTHING.
I merely went through my roster in number order. My student numbers 1-4, were each the first of one
group. I continued through my roster until everyone was in a group. I then gave
each group a cute little DJ Inkers cutout! I assigned each group a day. I used
Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays.
Here is a closer look at the posters. I also gave
each student the same cut out, laminated it and wrote their day on it, and then
put magnetic tape on the back. Now, families can hang it on their fridge and
remember what day to return their books.
each student the same cut out, laminated it and wrote their day on it, and then
put magnetic tape on the back. Now, families can hang it on their fridge and
remember what day to return their books.
They need to bring back their take home folders
back on their assigned day. I give them 2 books that are on their level to take
home again, for another week. My Kinders simply bring their folders and put
them in this basket when they are ready to check out again. Do you like my
fan?! LOL! I get HOT people. Yes, it has been 25 below 0, but this teacher is
on the M.O.V.E! I need air circulating! Let’s get back on track peeps.
back on their assigned day. I give them 2 books that are on their level to take
home again, for another week. My Kinders simply bring their folders and put
them in this basket when they are ready to check out again. Do you like my
fan?! LOL! I get HOT people. Yes, it has been 25 below 0, but this teacher is
on the M.O.V.E! I need air circulating! Let’s get back on track peeps.
The blue tote is where they put their folders
when they are ready. The pink one is where I keep my log. I have tabs set up by
student number.
when they are ready. The pink one is where I keep my log. I have tabs set up by
student number.
Now, I will be the first to say….my
classroom library (of leveled books) is quite lacking. I am slowly building it
up!! I am very fortunate that my school has an amazing book room!! I am able to
check out books from there also.
classroom library (of leveled books) is quite lacking. I am slowly building it
up!! I am very fortunate that my school has an amazing book room!! I am able to
check out books from there also.
These are my leveled bins. Students
can use these during “Read To Self” time, in addition to their own
book bags.
can use these during “Read To Self” time, in addition to their own
book bags.
It is working really well for me! If
take home bags/folders are something that you are thinking of…this is easy to
set up!
take home bags/folders are something that you are thinking of…this is easy to
set up!
Thank you for reading and I hope you
will hop on over to my blog and follow me there too. I just bought these
fabulous little bags at Wal-Mart! I hope you will come by and see me later this
week to see what I am going to do with them (hint word work)
will hop on over to my blog and follow me there too. I just bought these
fabulous little bags at Wal-Mart! I hope you will come by and see me later this
week to see what I am going to do with them (hint word work)
Stay warm friends!! π
WOW! About all I can say is WOW! After 5 years of doing Guided Reading Groups(during center time) and trying to read with each group, each day…this makes SO much sense NOW! I quit doing Guided Reading because it was SO stressful after Thanksgiving. I am going to start it again and only read with one group a day (yes I will level my groups – I know that is different than yours)…I am SO EXCITED because I LOVE to read with my kiddos and work on their language growth and see their confidence grow. Most of my kids are not supported at home with reading. I want to do more than whole group reading (I have NO intervention specialist). Did I mention that I am the only kindergarten teacher – so my support system is limited to blogging with other kindergarten teachers. Thank you for this blog and idea. You have given me NEW HOPE!
"I cannot live without books" -Thomas Jefferson
Hi Jennifer! You know, you have to do what works for you and your students. I also do Guided Reading with my class. These groups are not my GR groups. I still don't meet with every reading group each day! I meet with 3 groups a day. I have 6. These 4 groups that I posted about are simply a way for me to manage take home reading bags. Jennifer, my Freebielicious friends and I did a Guided Reading book study this past Summer. You should read some of those posts and see if there is anything that will help you out! π You can email any of us…any time!!
I, too, am the only kinder teacher at my school and we have a very, very limited school library. I love how you organize your take-home books but I don't know what you mean by "1st Wednesday, 2nd Wednesday, 3rd Wednesday, 4th Wednesday". Is that the day they bring back their book(s) or the day you conference with them? Sorry – I gotta know.
That's when they have Show N Share π So each student only has it once a month.
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