This set includes seventeen STEM activities and includes a recommended supply list. This list is recommended because you should be able to also use resources you already have in your classroom. The amazing thing about STEM is that we allow children the opportunity to choose materials, create a plan, and execute it in their vision. The teacher does not model the expectation but instead gives the student freedom to problem solve.
I have included color and black and white characters for some of the challenges. I would print them on white cardstock, if you have it available. If not, regular paper will work. You can use them in your STEM tub or not. It is up to you. ☺
Activities include: Building a windmill, corn, table, hideout for a turkey, turkey trap, ship that floats, fence, barn, cornucopia, etc. There are a few Thanksgiving activities that are very generic and can be used during any month, but if you teach that, you have a few options. There are a few turkey activities, too. This unit also covers farm activities to give you more options if you don’t want Thanksgiving activities. I tried to be very mindful of what is appropriate for young learners.
I hope you love these as much as I do.
Happy Teaching!
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