Wow! I am pumped to see how many people are already following my blog. THANK YOU!! So, let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Crystal and I teach Kindergarten in Temple, TX. I am so blessed to work at a wonderful school with such great people! I am 30 and holding!! I really pretend that my birthday doesn’t exist (other than presents because who doesn’t love presents!) because my birthday is always the first week of school and who has time to think about that! This year I will celebrate my 10th wedding anniversary with my sweet husband who owns my heart. I have three great kids ages 14, 12, and soon to be 11 next week. For those of you doing the math on that, I adopted my kiddos through foster care. We have been a family for seven years now. I tell people that they weren’t born from my body, but born from my heart. 🙂 All three of my kids are dyslexic, have ADD, or ADHD, and my youngest is developmentally delayed and possibly autistic (testing to come soon). I plan on sharing things about them from time to time to help teachers understand how to handle children like mine. If you met them you would never know they struggle with the things they do. Sometimes it isn’t easy but we have faith that God’s plan is alive in us. Most days we are just putting the fun in dysFUNctional. 🙂 This is only my second year to teach. I put school on hold after getting married and then started doing foster care. So, as soon as our adoption was final, I went back to school. Before graduating, I was an instructional aide for K-1st and an assistant teacher in a private Montessori school for K. So, I have been in education for about five years now, which has lead me to today. I am soon to finish my Masters in Educational Technology. I plan on posting great technology ideas here too this summer that you can use in your classrooms. I consider myself so blessed to be a teacher and lucky to be able to fulfill my calling. Many people spend their days doing something they hate. Not this girl! :)Whether my days are easy breezy or pull my hair out frustrating, I still feel at the end of the day that God’s plan for me is so much bigger than myself. Well, that’s me in a nutshell! I look forward to getting to know you and learning from you. Thanks for becoming a follower! Be watching this weekend for more good stuff!
Kreative K
Wow – I was reading your post and we have SO much in common. I have 5 kids – fosterd for 4 years and adopted 2 of our 5 children in the process. I miss fostering but we got kinda full. I would go to bed thinking maybe we get "a call" that night or the next day. It was such a great time for us. Anyway, excited to see your stuff!
hi…. 1st off I love your blog and teaching ideas! 2nd I loved reading about you. I have always felt open to fostering b/c where I live there are lots of little girls and boys who need a good home for a while.
You inspire me!
Thanks for sharing!