Well, hello there. I don’t know about you, but I am loving Fall. Here in Texas we actually experience several seasons in one day but fingers crossed, the weather will get it’s life together and embrace fall because I am all about boots, leggings and long sweaters. Being a full figured gal, I have always found it quite challenging to find a wardrobe that matches my sassy attitude. Just because I am on the struggle bus when it comes to my weight, doesn’t mean I want to wear a potato sack designed for a funeral. When I find a company I love, its high fives all around which is why I am super excited to share with you what’s trending in plus size fashion in my world!
Have you heard of LuLaRoe? If you haven’t, I need you to step away from this electronic device and phone a friend stat because, girl. You are missing out! I love this company because they offer colorful, comfortable and stylish clothing. Modest is hottest ladies and this company is doing that. All. Day. Long. LuLaRoe is not a department store. You will need to find a consultant that sells the clothing line. Don’t fret. They are everywhere. Each consultant gets a different box of clothes, meaning they never know what they will get. If you love a print, buy it because it is likely you won’t see it again. I love how unique that makes each outfit.
My advice to you would be to find two consultants to follow. I’ve always tried to stick with one consultant with anything I use but I don’t consider it “cheating” since each person gets different clothing/prints and I am very particular about what I like. I am pretty faithful to my two consultants though because you won’t meet sweeter people. They are great wives and mothers and have put a lot of faith, sweat and hard work into being business owners and it’s my honor to support them! My first consultant was Leslie. I think we were instant friends. Leslie lives about fifteen minutes from me and has a Facebook group called Texas Leggings Addicts. Leslie has numerous FB live shows each week. She is a fellow adoptive mom and I puffy heart love her. I also love that I can go to her house to shop too. My other consultant friend is Mary. She has the Facebook group called LuLaRoe Mary Cobb VIP Group. She lives in Dallas so she is not local to my area but I try and catch her live Monday night show when I can online. Again, sweet as sugar.
So, let’s check out my favorites styles!
Meet CARLY. In this picture I have her belted. I am also wearing black TC (tall and curvy) leggings. This material is softer than my pajamas y’all. It’s ah-mazing! Also, Carly’s run big so make sure you size down with this cutie.
Boots by Charlotte Russe.
Here, I am wearing my CARLY without a belt. Now, I am 5’2″ so this is longer on me. This particular dress is an XL. I would usually wear a large in this dress but I loved this pattern so much that it sold the dress. I have this dress paired with a lovely gold JOY. This JOY is made of lace and it’s the perfect pop to this outfit. I could totally put a joy on over any shirt and jeans too and rock that girl all night long.
Handbag from Target
Boots by Charlotte Russe.
Boots by Charlotte Russe.
Love my necklace from Kendra Scott.
Meet AMELIA. I love this dress because POCKETS. She has pockets and pockets make me happy! I love that this dress covers my arms nicely and has a nice flair out from the waist line. The pop of color in the print is just perfect! I can wear this dress in the winter with leggings and booties or in the summer with sandals. For work or play, it’s a great buy!
Boots by Charlotte Russe.
About this time last year I was counting down to our Disney trip. I love Disney World! Fingers crossed I will get to go back soon and if I do, I will definitely be rocking a LuLaRoe Disney inspired outfit!
First up, converse. These guys are my friend! I have five pair. My daughter, who is 19, does not think it’s fair that I have more converse than she does. Whatevs. I luck out and find mine at Ross all the time. #Winning.
Meet IRMA. This shirt is great because it is longer in the back. That’s right, no more visible booty. Friends, it is just not cute. Modest is hottest. I never wear anything on my head. Y’all I have big Texas hair and nothing is flattering on top of that guy. I will make one exception for ears though. You may recognize the silos behind me if you are a super fan of Fixer Upper. I live about ten minutes outside of Waco so it was only fitting to grab a few pics there.
Red Irma with black TC leggings. Oh, and ears and converse shoes. Disney WIN.
Earrings by Kendra Scott. LOVE!! I’m also loving my new lipstip by MAC. Red may be my new jam.
In this fun outfit, I am wearing an IRMA, TC black leggings and have added a lovely SARAH. SARAH is my homegirl this season because this chic goes with everything. I tragically went out of the house the other day in leggings, random tshirt and Sarah and got a ton of compliments. She clearly can make anything look good. Isn’t the print on this IRMA so cute?
And, Starbucks for the win! It’s too late for coffee for this girl but it was cool outside so hot chocolate won my heart. Yes, 60 degrees in Texas is cool y’all. Again, hello converse. I love you.
I must be pondering life here. Actually, I am staring into a real life candy shop. My smile is a clear sign of the candy affection. Ha! I love that you can see the IRMA print close up because it really is beautiful.
There are several more LuLaRoe styles but we ran out of daylight as you can see. I hope you will check out the other styles. To see more, join a group by clicking here. Consider yourself warned. Once you fall in love, there is no going back. They are not playing when they say their leggings are buttery soft. Next up….
Have you heard of the Dia box? Well, I happened to come across a facebook ad one day and decided that I must give it a try! I had been jealous for a good year now of my not-so-fluffy friends and their Stitch Fix boxes so I was thrilled to find a styling company that styled for MY SIZE. Here is how this works. First, you click here to sign up. Then, you put in all of your styling request. What colors you like, seam lines, etc. For example, do not send me sleeveless. These arms have not seen daylight since 1986 people. It is a situation. Be specific in what you like and don’t like. Help them to really get to know you. You are charged a $20 styling fee once your box is put in the mail. The company sends you a box with five items in it. Now, my first box was a bust. I didn’t care for any of it but I didn’t give up. I gave really good feedback and a link to my pinterest board titled “My Style“. This really helped and my second box was a WINNER. I am on my fifth box now and my stylist gets me. You choose how often you want your box sent and if you want to buy anything. If you do buy something, the stylist fee is deducted from your purchase. For example, I am charged $20 for my stylist fee once the box ships. I decide to keep a shirt that is $38. Since I have already paid $20, I am charged the additional $18. Easy peasy. Right? Your box also comes with a prepaid shipping bag so you can immediately send back anything you do not like and you won’t be charged a dime. It’s like being rich and stylist bring nice clothes to your house that make you feel pretty, only I am not wealthy and made my kids grilled cheese for dinner tonight. Don’t judge. Ha.
Here are a few of my favorite outfits and collages I have posted on instagram.
This dress and necklace came in my dia box. Just ignore the tragically white legs. Ha. Dr. Pepper anyone?
This is me in mom shopping mode. Tide anyone?
This one is my favs because I am peeking out of the Blue Bell ice cream section. That is my serious mom face there.
And, wine. Y’all. Is there anything else that is more important in my teacher/mom/wife (but still Jesus lovin’) basket? The truth is, I am all talk. Ha. I am a one drink wonder. I do like a glass every now and then though.
Boots by Charlotte Russe.
Here are a few of my INSTAGRAM collages of my Dia boxes.
I hope you give the Dia Box a try. If you click my link, you get your first styling fee for free. I have loved having these pretties show up on my doorstep every month. If you want to check out my STYLE board on pinterest, click here. Feel free to link it to your dia box stylist too! One of my best friends told me yesterday that she is going to start asking for them to send her whatever they send me. Surely that is okay? I would like the Crystal Radke box please. Ha!
Also, try on everything they send you. When I opened the last box and saw the green jeans and black shirt, my first instinct was NO, just no. If I had seen it on a rack in a department store I would have walked right past it. I tried the outfit on and I LOVED it. The jeans fit perfectly and were a perfect pop of color. The black shirt was so flattering. The thing I have loved most about this service is that they really listen to what I am looking for but also have pushed me outside of my box (no pun intended, ha), which has been fun.
I know it’s hard to find plus size boutiques, but I promise they are out there. This outfit is from a boutique in my little town of Lorena. It’s called DejaVu & You Boutique. If you are ever going through Central Texas, you should totally stop by. They are the sweetest people and carry the cutest clothing.
Another boutique I like locally is called Whimsicality Boutique located in Waco, TX. They have clothing in all sizes and the perfect accessories for any outfit. Side note: You can also schedule a fun girls night out there and paint the cutest wooden door hangers. I shopped and painted and shopped and painted.
I mean, how fun is this? No, life did not suck on this day. Ha!
I’m super excited about all of my new fall and winter fashions. I am loving the fact that gold is such a big color this year. Right now I am stocking my closet with pieces I can layer. Lots of boots, leggings, sweaters and sweater dresses, winter kimonos, over-sized softer than life Jesus lovin’ tshirts and whatever else floats my boat. And, of our my LuLaRoe and Dia Box goodies. Just because you fit into the plus size box does not mean you cannot dress well, nor should you feel cheated when it comes to confidence. I am always in a place where I am working on me but I think that is just going to be a life struggle. Riding the roller coaster of the gym and eating healthy. Y’all, I have lost 70 pounds over the last five years and I am still have a long way to go. There are days I look in the mirror and felt like I haven’t lost a thing. I understand that struggle. I also have PCOS which makes this life battle even harder but I can’t give up and either can you. In the mean time, I’m working on being happy with myself and part of that is not putting myself into the “plus size frumpy” category. Life gives us enough things to make us feel defeated. Your wardrobe does not have to be one of them.
Embrace who you are in this season of your life. That doesn’t mean quit improving because we are all a work in progress. But, enjoy the journey. Feel confident. Act sassy. Dress for the life you want to live!
Love and virtual hugs.
**A HUGE Thank you to my friend Trilby from Twenty Toes Photography (named after her sweet twinsies). Y’all, she is a story teller. A true artist. I am so thankful to know her as a friend and so lucky she is our photographer. If you live in Texas, look her up! I promise, you won’t regret it. Check out her facebook page and you will be in awe of her beautiful work.
I loved this post! You are rocking those clothes! I love Lularoe, too! Have you tried a Nicole? It’s my favorite!
Hi. I’m organizing a multi consultant sale at Knox Center on Sunday December 4th. Would you be interested in helping us promote it to your followers? We’ll have 17 Waco consultants. Also, any chance you would join our VIP page? I appreciate it. https://www.facebook.com/groups/lularoeredheadduo
You look awesome in all the clothes! Do you know which top that is in the first Dia college. The one with a floral sleeves. I just received my first box, so fun! Thanks.
This is inspiring. I am a early 400 mom and I haven’t paid much attention to my wardrobe in years. So I do plan on making a Dia box and doing some shopping. Thanks Crystal!!!
P.s. I love Texas and will definitely check out the local boutique scene when I visit again.