Teacher Talk Tuesday!
Dear sweet, exhausted, excited and scared on mean parents new teachers! Congrats on getting a job! It’s a tough job but so rewarding. So, here is my tidbits of advice for you…
Be organized. Keep a notebook with lesson plans, copy of work, and notes for each week so you can look back next year and you can tweak, add, delete as necessary. Understand that you will have to do a lot of work up front to make your life easier in the future. Last year I started in a new school and I was overwhelmed. I felt like I was a constant hot mess. Luckily, I did keep a gigantor notebook and it has made this week so much easier. Don’t sweat the small stuff. It is impossible to always get everything done but there is always tomorrow. Take time to do lesson plans ahead of time and have materials ready BEFORE the children get there. A lot of people just wing it but it will be so much easier for you when you are prepared. Get your SUB notebook ready now because there will be a day when you can’t make it. Don’t forget to tell them about emergency plans, kid allergies, etc. all the things we always forget but they need to know. Make friends! Teacher buddies are the best! Ask questions and for help if you need it. We all need help. Focus on the positives and work on the negatives. And lastly, HAVE FUN! Your kids will love school if you do. If you aren’t happy, they won’t be either. Every day is a new day so if it goes downhill, start over tomorrow. Everyone has a bad day but that doesn’t mean you aren’t good at what you do. Sometimes the best thing to do is fall back and regroup. Best of luck sweet teachers!!
Busy Bees says
Love your advice. Once your sub book is ready it is so much easier to plan for a sub. They appreciate it too. Have a great day!!
William Smith says
Great advise. I wrote about mean parents this week as well, but for every mean one you have a great one that helps you to keep going.
I hope your year goes well,
Little Millennium says
I have been following your blog since past so many days.. I really appreciate you sharing your knowledge with us..
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