I’m super excited to link up with my friends at Freebielicious this week for some back to school fun. I’m not going to lie, typing the words “back to school” make me a little nauseous. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE my job but man, oh man, has this summer flown by. Currently, I am healing up from having my gallbladder removed last Thursday which totally wasn’t planned but ended up being immediately necessary. Yeah, I don’t do lay on the couch and watch t.v. for days well.
I have made several lists of things I need to conquer and buy as we near the end of July. Really back to school will be here before we know it. So, what are my classroom must haves?
FLAIR PENS! These are my absolute favorite pens and completely necessary for taking notes, writing notes, etc.
Pip Squeak Markers & Golf Pencils: I don’t give my students full size pencils at the beginning of the year. All students write (trace) with pip squeaks and golf pencils. It is SO much better for their little hands as they are building those fine motor muscles.
ASTORBRIGHTS COLORED CARDSTOCK: There are a ton of things I will make for Meet the Teacher, back to school, etc. that I will color coordinate with my Astrobrights paper. Make sure you stop back by next week for my special posts on projects for this fun, colorful paper.
Each year I have to restock our Read to Self Materials. This includes glasses (I pop out the lenses) and martian fingers. At the end of the school year, students get to take their special reading glasses and fingers home with all of their books. This is a reoccurring expense but it’s so worth it to help my students have a fun learning experience when learning to read.
My last must have item is small play-doh containers. I put these in each student’s supply box and it comes in very handy when I need to help a student who may need me longer or when we finish an activity a few minutes later. Kids love play-doh. This is an absolute must have all year long.
That’s all I’ve got for now. Make sure you stop by Freebielicious and check out our Linky. I’m sure I’ll be adding several things to my must have list by time I’m done reading.

It's always fun to see what teachers from another country do and have access to. I love your mini play-doh pots. I have never seen them in Australia but wish we had them here. All the best for a great start.
Mrs Stowe's Kinder Cottage
I love the idea for the golf pencils! I usually just break pencils in half over the end of the table and then sharpen the broken ends to get two little pencils. haha golf pencils– what a brilliant idea!
Creating & Teaching
I use golf pencils with students who struggle with fine motor; might have to break them out for all my friends at the beginning of the year!
A Very Curious Class
Love the small play dough idea super fun! I'm too greedy with my finger pointers but I should definitely learn from the best and let the kiddos take them home at the end of the year!
Thanks Crystal!
Hope you are on the mend and back to your fabulous self! We have a fierce addiction to Flair pens as well and love the golf pencil idea. Not quite ready to head back-can't go there just yet!!!
~Christy & Tammy
Great ideas! Some of those are on my "Must-Have" for BTS list too! Love the idea of letting students use play dough while other students keep working! I will be using that one! Thanks, Emily
I don't think I have any of these! How is that possible?
Sharing Kindergarten
I love the glasses and martian fingers idea! and the play dough! I also love the astrobright paper. I made a filing system in my classroom cabinets and organized the cabinet by color.
Love the idea of putting playdoh in pencil boxes!!! Such a great way to keep students busy and work on their fine motor skills. I've never thought about golf pencils! I usually break crayons or pencils in half!!
Thanks for sharing the ideas and I hope you feel better very soon!!!
Mrs. P’s Specialties