Meet the Teacher was a week in a half ago but I haven’t had a chance to post this yet. 🙂
Before Meet the Teacher, I label cubbies, put name plates on tables, and make parent information folders. I think by using a folder, I know that they each pick up what they are supposed to. Last year, I just layed all the papers out that parent were supposed to pick up but at the end I had all of one sheet gone and only half of another…didn’t make sense. I staped instruction to the folder. I had so many parents ask me if they had to fill out the paperwork that night. Finally, I kindly made an announcement that the sheet attached to the folder said that the paperwork was due on Monday. They all laughed!
Sorry, I can’t get this picture to turn for some reason. This is the folder that I put all of the information for parents in along with a list of what their responsibilities are. J
This is a small table outside of my door. It will have the information folder, the scavenger hunt sheet, and cutesy stuff. J
I like to put an easel outside of my door too with big books. I think they kids really like them!
Here is my table. I put “Adventure Annie Goes To Kindergarten” and “Peanut Butter and Homework Sandwiches” on the table too because they are books I will read the first day of school and the kids like to look at them. Fran at Kindergarten Crayons suggested them this summer. I bought them and LOVE them. So did my class! J
When parents enter the room, we ask them to get the “Kindergarten Safari” sheet that has a scavenger hunt on it. This is a fun way to have parents help their child to find their cubby, table, bathroom, computers, etc. without consuming all of your time. I will also put little instructions on it, like where to put your supplies. J
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