Everything is a teaching opportunity. During group time, we sing lots of songs. When learning sight words, we use the song “The word on the bus”. You can find it at Welcome to Room 36 blog. I made these sight word buses to go with the song. Click below to download. 🙂
Sight Word Bus
(function() { var scribd = document.createElement(“script”); scribd.type = “text/javascript”; scribd.async = true; scribd.src = “http://www.scribd.com/javascripts/embed_code/inject.js”; var s = document.getElementsByTagName(“script”)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(scribd, s); })();
Do you use your calendar to teach different lessons? I know most of us use it to teach patterns, but this month I used my calendar to teach the difference between days during the week and weekends / school days vs. non school days. What do you teach with your calendar?
Have a great day!!
You have many greta ideas.Tried to download the buses but the text doesn't come through. What font do you use? Is there any way to change it so I may use? Thanks a bunch.
Well, it's a PDF file so the font shouldn't be an issue. It is doodle print though. If you email me I will send it to you and we will see if that works. :)Sorry about that!
<>< Crystal
Hi thanks for sharing love the buses but is there any way of getting the sign that you have for them in the picture posted. Thanks
I was hoping for the sign as well that you have posted! I LOVE this idea. Singing songs is the best way to get the kiddos involved.
Hi friends! If you click on "Welcome to Room 36" it will take you to the great blog where I downloaded to song from. Show her some love!
<>< Crystal
The link is in the post above…I guess I should have said that, lol.
I'm lost! The only song I see on that site is the letter on the bus, not the word on the bus. Help! 🙂
Sarah I will email it to you tomorrow. 🙂 I guess I linked the wrong post. It's back further. I'll fix that tomorrow too. 😉
I fixed the link above. You can now click on it and it will take you there now. 🙂
I absolutely LOVE this idea! My kinders have to master pre-primer and primer dolch lists. Any way you will make more of the words!??! Thanks so much 🙂 eden_capps@scps.k12.fl.us
Scribd bugs me because if I find a post too long after it's posted I can't download it anymore! I want those buses!!! Can you email them to me? misskindergarten{at}hotmail{dot}com
Thanks 🙂
Crystal these look great! I just found them through Pinterest but I can't seem to download them! Would you be able to email them to me?
Thank you! Thank you!
❤Mrs. McKown
Little Literacy Learners
These are super cute. What a great idea! I'm having trouble downloading them as well. Would you be able to email them to me?
Thank you!!
Love the buses! But can not download them. Would you be kind enough to e-mail them to me? That would be fantastic! Thanks,
I love the Sight Word Bus! I would love to add them to my calendar time with my kiddos but i am also having trouble getting them to download. Would it be possible to email them to me? Amber.Steele789@gmail.com I appreciate it and all your work that you share! Thanks!
Hi, those buses are super cute! I have the sign printed and laminated already, but can't open your buses! Is there any way you can send them to me too? Thank you in advance!
Hi, those buses are super cute! I have the sign printed and laminated already, but can't open your buses! Is there any way you can send them to me too? Thank you in advance!
I would love the busses as well. I just ended my scribed account. I didn't want to pay $9.oo a month. I would love the busses as well. Would you please send them to me as well? CUTE!! golfinggator@embarqmail.com. Thanks in advance!
Can you tell I am tired?? "As Well" HA! Thanks
Would love to have a copy of these, also! Tried to download but no can do… 🙁
Would you email them?
Thanks so much — wonderful idea!!
I can't download the buses either, but I love them and want them. Anyway I could get them??? Please and thank you. adchism@spsmail.org
I meant to tell you I do the Hickety Pickety rhyme but I find my Austic student finds it uncomfortable with the whole class doing it.
This looks great and something I could use with my kids. I just found it and am having trouble downloading. Could you please email them to me? I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
This looks great and something I could use with my kids. I just found it and am having trouble downloading. Could you please email them to me? I would really appreciate it. Thanks!
I would love to have the buses for my class! They are adorable.I can not download them. Can you send them to me? Thank you so much! jg290@bellsouth.net
Love the buses! Can you please email them to me?
Thank You!
I would love to be able to use these with my K class. Could they be e-mailed to me? Thank you! farmerz@mts.net
I would love to be able to use these with my K class. Could they be e-mailed to me? Thank you! farmerz@mts.net
I would love these, but like the others, I cannot download them. Can you please email them? Thank you!! ceb515@gmail.com