Let’s go on a magic carpet ride back to Meet the Teacher. Hey, that’s ME! I always puffy heart
love meet the teacher. Oh, it gives such
insight to my new little friends. Granted, this happened four weeks ago but hey, this chickadee has been busy. It’s not easy to be the ring leader and lion tamer every day. Our job is not for the faint at heart fo sho!
love meet the teacher. Oh, it gives such
insight to my new little friends. Granted, this happened four weeks ago but hey, this chickadee has been busy. It’s not easy to be the ring leader and lion tamer every day. Our job is not for the faint at heart fo sho!
When students come in (for MTT or the 1st day of school), they will find several crates and boxes to sort their supplies. I will eventually put their names on their scissors and crayons if they haven’t but really everything is community supplies in my classroom. This makes my life so much easier. It already takes an act of congress trying to figure where to stash a billion tissue boxes and germ gel (also known as hanitizer) bottles so having them presorted makes this circus act go by much faster.
I cannot for the life of me remember where I got this freebie. I looked on TPT and pinterest to provide credit so if you know, let me know so I can give credit where it is due. I have given this cute little glow stick gift at Meet the Teacher the last two years. It’s cute, easy and the kids love it.
Outside my door, I label file folders with each student’s name. This helps me to figure out who doesn’t come. In the folder is all of the paper I need parents to fill out. If possible, I ask them to fill it out before they leave that night.
Here are my directions. Don’t laugh! “Find your child’s folder. Read the directions on the front of the folder and follow them.” Easy enough right? You would think. 🙂 Isn’t the melonheadz clipart the cutest? I just printed, cut and taped this stuff to an art easel. Easy peasy.
Moving on. Picture it. The first day of school. Controlled chaos is not enough for me. It should also be known as my BIRTHDAY! What? At first I was bummed about this situation. When I was younger, we weren’t in school on August 25th so I always had a “summer birthday”. Then, I became a teacher and it’s always the first week of school and I am too exhausted to do anything. But, this year it was fabulous. My husband sent me beautiful roses and my parents sent me a mixed bouquet of flowers and balloons. Y’all, I felt so fancy. My room smelled fabulous too.
In true husband form, he sent my team gift for the first day of school. I was curious what he would do since he has already done flowers and cookie bouquets. This year he had these Survival Kits made for us. So stinking cute. The funny thing is that I did almost the same thing for my team the night before. It must of been Jesus planting a seed, knowing that we would need TWO survival kits. I bought us mason jar cups (Thinking our year was going to be Ah-Mason. Ha!) and filled them with aspirin, gum, rolaids, etc. So, people. We are ready to survive. We have a glass and a box full of crap sure to make it happen. Haha!
Here is the Welcome to Kindergarten sign that my teammate painted. Isn’t it presh? We used it for our 1st Day of School pics. This is one of my cutie patootie students. Her mom works at my school so I luck out and get to post her pics on here. You will probably see her a lot this year. 🙂
Moving on. First day of school. Oh the anticipation. Luckily my own children’s school district did not start for another week so I was able to get to school super early EVERY day that week. I was only slightly, ehem, bitter that they were still sleeping when I left. Anyway, I put that jealousy in a bubble and blew it away. Haha!
Here is how the tables were set up when the littles came for the first day. They had their name tags and a coloring sheet waiting for them in their spot.
We all survived the first day. We accomplished coloring the sheet above, making the Pete the Cat hat that my little friend is wearing above, and learning the rules of play dough. That’s about it. I forgot how long walking down the hall or going to the bathroom takes. Oh, and of course I read some books to them. They loved Pete the Cat.
Oh, and recess was their highlight. I think I said, “Rocks stay on the ground!” about five hundred times. I bet by 823 they will get it. Haha!
I did have a little friend cry at the end of the day because “we didn’t play with any toys.” Bless his little heart. We didn’t. Honestly, there wasn’t enough time. Everything we did took an hour. I made sure that we “played” with manipulatives on day two. It’s tough being little!
At the end of the 1st day of school, Nick, our kids, my parents and my sister’s family took me out to eat for dinner. I insisted that we meet for dinner at 5:00 p.m. because honestly, who really has energy to hold a fork on the first day of school? I thought asking someone to feed me (even if it was my birthday) was pushing it so we had to make that happen before the sun went down. When the sun went down, so did this very tired teacher!!!
Oh, how I love this man!!
Now y’all, I have blogged three times this week. Don’t go getting used to this craziness. You know my life is a big ole hot mess and I fight squirrels every other minute. The struggle is real people. Haha!
I hope you are having a great week. Love and virtual hugs.
Loved this post!!! You are too funny and one lucky lady to have such a thoughtful husband. I hope you have an amazing year!!
Keep Calm and Love First Grade
You've been super busy! I love your team gifts! How many teachers do you have on your team? I have 14!! Crazy town I know! I gave them a notepad from the dollar spot at Target.
Rambling About Reading
Looks like an amazing start to the school year!
The Teacher Brain
Thanks for sharing! I also have trouble finding a place for all the supplies since I have absolutely no storage in my room. What a way to spend your birthday! Mine is a month before that and I always know that summer vacation is close to being over and school will soon start right after my birthday. I want your rectangle tables!! 🙂 I have very small trapezoid tables and our chairs don't fit when you push them in.
Looks like you had a wonderful 1st day of school and a great birthday, too!
Learning at the Teacher Table
I love how you give teacher survival kits!!
Do you have the best husband ever or what?!
Second Grade Sweetie Pies
Nice material. I have also written the same thing on this topic take a look at it here
Nice Post
also look here nice posta
<a href="http://kushal1838.blogspot.in/2014/08/great-wall-china.html"
Nice Blog..
Loved this post!!! You are too funny and one lucky lady to have such a thoughtful husband. I hope you have an amazing year!!.
Nice material. I have also written the same thing on this topic take a look at it here
You sure have a thoughtful and supportive husband! He just knows what to do and can perfectly read your mind. The bouquet and balloons look nice! I'm sure you had an extra special way to start the schoolyear right. Thanks for sharing this post!