This week, when we finished our word work, I passed out blank BINGO cards and had my students fill in sight word/word wall words in each box. I did a super messy quick demonstration on my board. I passed out a handful of fruit loops to teach child to use as markers. Of course they ate them when we were done. I have sight word flash cards all the time. Right now, they are gloves because it is supposed to be winter outside, or else that is what we have heard. In Texas, the jury is still out. Though it did snow for a few minutes last Sunday (of course while I was in the hospital and didn’t see it) but it was 70 degrees the day before and after. Go figure! That’s Texas for ya! Anywho, I read the word and they put a fruit loop on it. Not rocket science but so fun! They loved it. Here are some bingo cards I made for you. We used the same ones all week. They didn’t put their names on them so after they first day it was “you get what you get and you appreciate it!” J I let them trade in between games with their neighbor too. We only played for about 5-10 minutes but they loved it so much and I will try anything for them to learn all of the word wall words! J
Sight Word Bing
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Ugh! I hate when the preview from scribd is jacked up! Grrr! All of the lines will be there when it downloads. LOL! Also, I will post my Dr. Seuss Unit, St. Patrick’s Day Unit, and other goodies today too! J
Love the sight word Bingo! So simple, but the kids just love to play it. Thanks for sharing.
Conversations in Literacy
Thank you Crystal! Love this Bingo! This should help my Kinders who struggle with these words! 🙂
Crayons and Curls
Love it! THANK YOU!
A Teeny Tiny Teacher
Your blog is too cute…made by the same designer I used…I just love Dream Like Magic. I'm so glad I found your blog. I will definitely come by often. Please visit me I'm a new blogger, I teach first grade.
Traditions Laughter and Happily Ever After
Thank you so much for this Bingo sheet! What a great idea for working on sight words!!
I love it!
Love you Sight Word Bingo, however, I am unable to download it. Is Scribd for members only? If possible, please email a copy to me.
Thank you,
Martha L.