Date Night Ideas for Parents
This post is just in time for Valentine’s Day! These ideas are for all you parents looking for some last minute ideas for a great night on V Day. The dates are easy to put together and require very little planning. Some of them even involve the kids, for the parents who couldn’t find a sitter. Valentine’s Day is the perfect time of year to take a little time for yourself and your hubby to appreciate each other! Don’t worry about doing anything fancy or spending a lot of money. This day is about relaxing and spending a little time together!
Netflix and Chill
This date only requires those cute, new pajamas you received for Christmas and maybe a bottle of wine! Wait until the kids are down for bed and pick a movie that you would never watch normally as a couple. Pick something artsy or an Oscar nominated movie so you can experience something new all without leaving the house! Cuddle on the couch with a bottle of wine and if the movie gets boring, you can talk!
These subtly pink wine glasses are perfect for getting into the Valentine’s Day spirit. Also, they’re on sale if you need a new set!
Day Date
If you have some extra personal days, this is the perfect way to get a little bit of kid free time to reconnect. Take a half day to spend some time together and find something to do around where you live. If you can’t find anything on a work day, go grocery shopping! It’s a little flashback to your time before having kids and being able to run errands together. This is a definitely a casual Valentine’s Day date. If just holding hands and picking out yogurt makes you feel connected to your partner, then do it!
While you’re out, go to your local gift shop and get a heart shaped box of candy to enjoy together.
Wine and Pizza “Tasting”
This Valentine’s Day, have an at home wine and pizza tasting! Get a couple bottles of wine that you’ve never tried before and give your opinions like the judges on “Chopped”. You can even create your own homemade scorecard so you’ll know which bottle to get again for the next date night. Don’t forget about the pizza! Order a pizza from two different places so that you can compare them and give notes. The great thing about this date idea is that it’s perfect for the kids too! Swap out the wine for some juice.
The only dessert perfect for a pizza night is chocolate pizza. Get your chocolate loving spouse the campfire smore “pizza” for some graham cracker and marshmallow-y goodness!
Dessert Date
Don’t have time for date with a three course meal? Skip dinner (or eat at home) and just get dessert instead. This a great way to save money and time, especially if you’re in a rush to get back to the babysitter. Share your favorite dessert along with some coffee while getting a little down time from the kids. The perfect gift for this date is jewelry! Show your better half how much you mean to them with beautiful bracelet or a locket.
You can find some Valentine’s Day jewelry gifts for mom with online jewelers, like Blue Nile. She’ll love to have something to remind her of you and the kids!
Game Night
This is a great idea for the competitive couples out there! Pull out some board games and put away the phones and focus on each other for the rest of the night. Don’t start a game that needs too much time like Monopoly. You can choose a variety of quick games like Connect Four or Uno and add a fun twist. Every time you get skipped or blocked, give each other a quick kiss! For some background noise, play music from your wedding.
Singing along to your wedding playlist will bring the romance to a whole other level. Keep the night cozy by gifting your spouse these adorable socks! You can say “I love you” in languages around the world.
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