Really, you don’t need 5 reasons to take a girls only trip this summer but we will gladly remind you why this is so important! Women are from Mars and Men are from Venus, right (or is that so twenty years ago, ha)?! It doesn’t matter if you are single or married or if you have ten kids or maybe you are the best auntie in the world, sometimes you need a girls weekend away. Listen, I try to tell my husband all the things, but I’m quite sure he isn’t listening to me and he certainly will not go with me to get my brows waxed (even though he agrees two are better than one, ha). Those examples don’t make it to the top of this list though!
5 Reasons To Take A Girls Only Trip This Summer
By time summer arrived, I thought I definitely deserved a retreat with like minded individuals, also known as crazy girl friends who need to spend hours laughing, drinking wine and talking about anything and everything under the sun. Lucky for me, the husband agreed to the girls only trip. So, I emailed my friends in Arizona and told them I was hopping on a plane the week after school let out for a girls weekend away. We booked a few nights at the amazing Hyatt Regency Scottsdale Resort & Spa. I seriously could not wait to go see my girls, Jennifer from Simply Kinder and Emily from Education to the Core. They are totally my favorite and if you follow their blogs, I’m sure you love them as much as I do! Here are my top 5 Reasons To Take A Girls Only Trip This Summer and how we lived it up for our three whole days!
Y’all, I love to stay in a good hotel. I love sleeping in a bed that has been tucked in so tight. Does that make me a weirdo? Maybe. Our hotel was beautiful. We were greeted by the sweetest lady who welcomed us with a cocktail. Anyone who welcomes me with a fruity beverage has a friend for life! When we entered our room, my name was on the television. I felt all fancy pants. Our balcony overlooked the beach-side pool, which I couldn’t wait to get my tootsies in to. Here’s the deal. At a hotel, I don’t have to make a bed. I can order room service and have food brought to my actual room. I can venture out of the room or I can stay in and sleep all day or watch mindless television. I would be lying if I didn’t tell you that some form of Bravo’s Housewives shows were on our television from time to time. For me, this was a trip to another state but for my two friends, this beautiful resort was only thirty minutes from their houses…making this the perfect girls only trip or STAYCATION. You don’t have to travel far to find a great place to stay and more importantly, someone else to make your bed for you. Ha!
Hello gorgeous! Where have you been all my life? I’m not talking about the pool boy, I’m talking about the SUN. When I travel, I like to read gossip magazines. Don’t judge. Reading OK Magazine makes me feel like less of a hot mess. What better way to do this but than by a beautiful pool? Seriously, I didn’t say, “Knock it off…Don’t try and drown your brother…or (my favorite)..We DON’T pee in the pool!” Not once. I got to be a grown up and I was only in charge of me (which sometimes can be work in itself). Luckily with girlfriends, you don’t necessarily have to act like an adult, adult. Ha! I mean, if you want to ride an inflatable dolphin (see picture below), who is going to stop you? Not me! The best part of this whole relaxation gig is that they had an ADULT ONLY pool! Get out of town, right?! As in NO KIDS. I love my children, I really do but sometimes mama needs a pina colada and some girl talk without the dependents (including the biggest dependent, also known as the husband).
Spa time doesn’t happen often and its usually a splurge (or a groupon) but my favorite time to go is with my girlfriends. My husband doesn’t get excited with stuff like that. I want someone to ohhh and ahhh with me. We spent 30 minutes in the Himalayan Salt Room. That was a first for me. You literally sit in a room with salt walls while salt flies out of the wall. Every time I laughed, I could taste salt. It’s supposed to be good for you. My favorite part was when that one friend tried to lick the wall. You laugh or shake your head, but you know you would be curious too. Ha! My favorite part of going to a spa is the overall zen atmosphere. It’s hard for me to slow down and just BE. It wasn’t as hard when I was drinking cucumber water, eating yummys and floating in the mineral pool. Yes, you read that correctly. A pool. Full of minerals. It was so soft, like swimming in fluff. My skin was so soft that I wanted to tell people to feel my skin. But, that would probably be inappropriate. Ha!
Food. Another reason to go on a girls trip. Eating real food. With multiple courses. Where you don’t have to cook OR clean. It’s mind blowing! Grown up meals are my favorite. Not sharing is my favorite too. We went to this Wine Me Dine Me experience at our hotel. The experience gave us our own chef that cooked and plated four beautiful courses in front of us. Each meal was paired with a different wine. If I wasn’t already married, I could have proposed to that chef. We were there for TWO hours. Two. We got to actually chew our food, take our time AND talk in between courses. It was THE best. In the morning we had breakfast…at 11:00 a.m.! At this point, we are feeling pretty awesome and have full reign over our sassy pants.
We dressed up for dinner…as in, we ditched the yoga pants and messy hair don’t care attitude and put a little pep back into our step. We talked. Then, talked some more. I laughed until that laugh turned into a snort. Ha! Each night, the hotel had THE BEST musicians play. We listened to great music (sang a little), ate whatever we wanted and I loved on some wine too. We could have gone to their gym, but nahhh. Ha!
Most importantly, we made great memories and had FUN! Fun is not just for kids y’all. Ride that dolphin floatie. Go down the water slide. Take a gazillion selfies with a selfie stick. Eat all the desserts. Laugh. Most definitely laugh. Life is too short to not take time for yourself. Girls trips or even a girls night out doesn’t have to be fancy or expensive. You can find a great deal at a local hotel and drive just down the road to check in (and check out from the fam) for one night. You can go to a resort like we did and soak up the sun and lovely amenities. Or, you can just go to dinner and sit there for three hours.
Whatever you decide to do, do something. Because if you are always pouring all of yourself into other people and not putting anything back in for yourself, your well will dry up. I know when I came home from this trip, I was happier, calmer and more focused because I stepped away from that to do list that is always a mile long and gave my ears a break from “mom” and “What’s for dinner?”.
You know the sayings.. If mama ain’t happy, nobody is or Happy wife, happy life. Yeah, I’m pretty sure those ladies ended up on a girls only trip!
**Several portions of our trip were hosted but all opinions are 100% my own.
P.S. Need more girls only trip ideas? Here are some for planning adult fall getaway!
I loved this! Last time I took a girls trip was almost 3 years ago. My BFFs and I are definitely overdue. Looks like you had fun!
So fun!! Girl trips are my favorite! We took one a few months ago and it was a blast! Will have to do one again soon!